Five Ways to Get Back on Track with Your Goals

It’s exciting to set goals, build new habits and think about all the positive changes ahead.  However, many fall off track with their goals within weeks of getting started. Does this sound familiar? Often our expectations are so high that we can set ourselves up for failure. Here are five ways to get back on track with your goals and start creating success, one step at a time.

Remember Your Why:

You’ve created and set these goals for a reason. Knowing your why is essential to your success. It gives you purpose, direction and can help you move forward. Without knowing your why or having a why that is not strong enough, when it gets difficult you are likely to give up more easily. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to get clear on your why.

  • Does your goal align with what you truly want for yourself?
  • At the end of the day, month, year, etc., if you have not acted on this goal will you be disappointed?
  • Is this something you see yourself continuing to do in 1, 5, or 10 years?

    Shift Your Mindset:

    Do you find that you’re constantly negotiating with yourself? Saying things, like “I’ll work out after work. I just need 30 more minutes of sleep” or “I will spend time writing this weekend. I am just too exhausted in the evenings.” This inner dialogue is draining and makes taking action each day a constant struggle.

    So, how can you make things easier for yourself? Limit your excuses. Know the difference between a real reason and a negotiation.  “I need to take my child to urgent care” is a reason while “I will just hit the snooze button one more time” is a negotiation.

    To start shifting your mindset, it’s important to remove your all or nothing thinking. That way, even if you’re short on time, you can use the time you have to put energy towards your goal. Whether it’s taking a five-minute walk or writing for 10 minutes, even if your goal is to do the activity for 30 minutes. Any action is better than no action. Also, planning ahead helps to limit obstacles that can get in your way. For example, put out your workout clothes the night before or set up your space for writing so that you’re ready to act. Once you have the awareness on what’s getting in your way, you can get clear on the thoughts and actions you need to take each day towards your goal. Commit to yourself!

    Focus on One Thing at a Time:

    Thinking about positive changes that we want to make in our lives is exciting and can feel a bit daunting too. You may have a list of four or five goals that want to achieve. Unfortunately, when we try to do all the things, often we end up doing none of the things.

    Pick one goal to focus on first. I recommend starting with the goal that will make the greatest impact with smaller efforts or a goal that once it’s been accomplished will make other goals on your list easier. Focus increases your chances of building momentum and strengthening your commitment to achieving your goals.

    Create a Support Team:

    Accountability is great tool to help you stay on track with your goals. This can be done in a couple of different ways. One way is having an accountability partner that shares your goal and participates in the activity or habit that is helping you reach your goal.  This could be a running buddy as you train for your first 5K.

    Another option is to find people in your life who support you and your goals. Identify a friend or family member who knows you and can help you when you need extra motivation or are going through a tough time.  You may have different go to people for different goals depending on their experience and skill set.  

    Alternatively, you can find a coach with the expertise to guide you as you move forward. Remember asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Your support team is there to encourage you and want updates on your progress, even if you’re not as far along as you would like to be. They are invested in your success.

    Reevaluate Your Goal:

    It is great to set big, audacious goals with big, desired results.  However, at the same time it can feel overwhelming. This can make it tough to get started. To make a goal more manageable, break it into smaller pieces that make it easier to get started. Take it one step at a time.

    For example, if you want to run a half marathon consider starting with a 5K training plan to create a running routine. Then once you are committed and feel confident with your progress you can move to a 10K plan building on success. This process will help you reach your goal one step at a time. Remember you need to create the habit before you build on the habit.

    The Takeaway:

    Every day you get the choice and the chance to recommit to your goals. This is your opportunity to challenge and change yourself and create the life of your dreams.

    • Remember why you started and go back to that every single day.
    • You are stronger than your excuses. Don’t talk yourself out of what it takes to reach your goal.
    • Take it one goal, one day at a time. The small steps add up and equal big results.
    • Reach out to those that support you on your journey when you need encouragement. Hire a coach or find a mentor for additional guidance and accountability.
    • Break down your goals so that it is easier to get started. Remember it’s about progress not perfection.